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For Immediate Release:

April 2003

Gerald Mimno  (866) 826-7660
Scott Sherman  (866) 826-7660

Advanced AMR Technologies Selects ValuTech Solutions for Automated Meter Reading Support

Peadbody, MA—April 24, 2003—Advanced AMR Technologies, a wholly owned subsidiary of Peabody, MA based AES-IntelliNet Services, announced today that it has engaged ValuTech Solutions to assist with the development of a market strategy for accelerated deployment of the company's Internet time-of-use (TOU) network solutions. Already successfully deployed at locations in Connecticut, New York and Pennsylvania, the Advanced AMR Technologies wireless network operates over licensed spectrum and represents a significant advance in the real time delivery of interval meter data for use in load control and time-of-use rates. ValuTech Solutions will assist the company in developing a national market strategy for its wireless network.

"We are pleased to have ValuTech Solutions working with us to establish a national market for the Advanced AMR Technologies network", states Gerry Mimno, the company's CEO. "ValuTech's extensive AMR experience will help us focus squarely on national utility AMR markets and capitalize on the nation's accelerating interest in the implementation of real time TOU solutions."

"ValuTech Solutions is pleased to have this opportunity to work with the management team at Advanced AMR Technologies, and to help them with their plans for success in the utility AMR market," states Ed Finamore, President. "Advanced AMR Technologies is moving rapidly forward with innovative time-of-use solutions to meet the growing need for real time energy management and demand response networks in the utility industry."

About ValuTech Solutions
ValuTech Solutions provides management consulting services to utilities, energy marketers, system integrators and equipment manufacturers in the energy industry. Specializing in AMR, utility automation, deregulation and energy management applications, ValuTech Solutions helps companies to formulate business strategies, and locate, acquire or implement solutions for success in the competitive utility energy markets. For more information, call ValuTech Solutions at 412-299-5684, or e-mail:


®2001-2002 ValuTech Solutions, Inc.

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