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Advanced Metering System—A utility metering system that is capable of measuring interval or time based energy consumption
Automated Meter Reading—A system or process which includes the collection, delivery and processing of meter reading information
Demand Response—The application of available load and price response mechanisms to balance energy demand and supply
Distributed Generation—Independent power generation sources that are located throughout a utility's distribution network.
ERCOT—Electric Reliability Council of Texas
ESCO—Energy Service Company
FERC—Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
GIS—Geographical Information System
GPS—Geographical positioning system that establishes mapping coordinates for locating facilities on mapping systems.
ISO—Independent System Operator
IVR—Interactive voice response system that is typically the front end interface to an outage management system for incoming outage calls
Internet Based Metering System—An advanced metering system capable of delivering information in real time over the Internet
Negawatt—A megawatt of power avoided or saved from use on the energy grid
Outage Management System—A system for collecting and processing power outage events occurring on a utility's distribution network
PUC—Public Utility Commission
RTO—Regional Transmission Organization
Real-time Pricing—An energy pricing model that governs energy purchases based on the real time cost of energy
SCADA—Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System
Time of Use—Time sensitive pricing of energy based on the time of day the energy is used



®2001-2002 ValuTech Solutions, Inc.
Towers at Sunset